These two are on Adam who took a days worth of work on Saturday, also did a large piece on his ribs but I'll get a picture of that when it's all done and dusted.
Cantona is on Asif's back and just needs a bit of skin tone put in to finish him off. Really fun to do and he sat like a rock.
These were done on Jo, the first is an old one I did a while ago but got to get a healed picture, and the second is from Zelda (the uneven lines are intentional).

This is on my old friend Dean's arm to link in with some old stuff he has, just a little bit more to go on it and it'll be all finished up.
I have to thank Joe, for in my opinion my excellent looking tattoo of my hero Eric Cantona. I was a bit sceptical about getting my tat done from Joe as he's fairly new and young but i have to say im so glad i chose to get it done from him. He made me feel as comfortable as possible, and hes genuinely a v nice guy. As you can see from my tat he is a v skilled guy at what he does. I cannot reccomend Joe Farrell & accomplice Tattoo enough. Its a nice clean studio, and Joe along with girlfriend Emma are v welcoming, helpfull with ideas and input into exactly what you want down to the last detail. Once again many thanks Joe, I'll definately be recommending you to all my friends with full confidence. Keep up the fantastic work mate.